Shouyi Mu Born in 1999. Began learning Violin when he was 14 year. Shouyi Mu has been interested in music since childhood and he likes to listen to many styles of music. Shouyi Mu joined a music major in grade 9. He also attended in Thai Youth Orchestra. After I graduated high school. He applied in PGVIM. Now he studies Violin in Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music. with Sittichai Pengcharoen. and attended Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music Youth Orchestra. Shouyi Mu is interested in Composition. He studied composition with Jean-David Caillouët. learning about soundscape and recording. During my 4th year of study, I had the opportunity to know CMKL University as a master university. Opening a branch of Technical and Creative Innovation followed by an interest in creating a surround sound system project sparked interest in Foley's sound. That's why I decided to apply to study at CMKL. During his fourth year of undergraduate studies, he was afforded the opportunity to pursue a Master of Science degree in Technology and Creative Innovation at CMKL University. This program provided him with insights into the application of technology in media design and innovation. Phumthana successfully completed the Capstone Project alongside fellow group members under the project name "PARABOX." Their collaborative effort resulted in the creation of an immersive audio adventure that integrates spatial or 360-degree audio with multi-track guided theater. Subsequently, in the fourth month of 2023, Phumthana obtained his Master's degree and currently run his family business to date.
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